Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"And that Lorax?... He didn't show up any more." Dr. Seuss

The moon is a giant white rock in the sky, that is what I use to think anyway. Over the course of a semester many things can change, however. I have learned more about species both native and not native and I was given an assignment to stare at the moon. The first time I started this assignment, I was walking my dog like I do every night. I went down stairs and was like “ok here I go” I looked up and stared. I felt stupid. I did not know if I was looking for something or just looking. I did write down my observations. It was a crescent moon, very bright. But I did not know what that meant to me. The next night I did the same thing and over and over the course of weeks. Finally on a full moon I really saw what I think I was looking for. The moon that night was big, bigger than I had noticed. I had a sense of place. This moon that is there every night it never fails and it makes me feel like a small piece in the puzzle. An important piece, but small. At the same time however, I know that I am where I am supposed to be. I could write down months worth of observations instead I have come to this conclusion, the moon goes through changes much like life. Every month it goes through cycles it changes and develops. I also noticed in my observations that it was not always the same place in the sky. Some nights from where I normally stood I could not see the moon so I would have to walk to the other side of the building. Although I can count on it being there it is not completely predictable. The moon, I think, can be used as a representation for life you know you will get something, but you do not know what that something may be.
Over all I learned more about my sense of place and about the moon itself. Looking at the moon made me realize that things change but always stay the same. And that the goals I am working for, like those of others, mean something people count on me like I count on the moon.


"All my life I'd been searching for trees such as these." Dr. Seuss

     In the course of this class, I have learned that exotic and invasive species are a growing phenomena. When a pet owner decides that they want a new and different animal they buy what is called and exotic species like the Burmese Python. They take home their pet to find out that they cannot care for it. So instead of returning it to a pet store, they dump it out into the wild. Because these species have no natural predators they get out of control. This is not true for pets only but also plants. 

      What people do not realize is how damaging this is to the ecosystem. Not just North America though, but all ecosystems. When a person brings this animal in and release it not only does it not have a predator but now it has to find a new food source. When it begins to devour other plants and animals this by subsequent effects more than just one species. It now effects all the species that the invasive eats or interacts with. Because they invasive species have different needs back where they are from they sometimes have adaptations that we are not use to here. These adaptations will sometimes even give them an advantage over a native species, which in turn puts the native species at risk. Another downfall of these invasive species is that they must have come from somewhere. Now a population loosing one of their males or females does not seem that bad. However, when you take into consideration that is one person whats this animal about a thousand more do to. Then we get into the effects of the population when the amount of viable reproducers has dramatically decreased. Not only does this animal affect our ecosystem but another as well. The global connection between the import and export of exotic species is not always legal, but it still happens. And it effects the world.
Words 318

"It's a shirt. It's a sock. It's a glove. It's a hat. But it also has other uses. Yes, far beyond that." Dr. Seuss

  • Sausage Links: Small box, cardboard. 
  • Pudding: Small Box, Cardboard. Plastic Bag
  • Milk: Plastic carton.
  • Mixer: Metal and plastic.
  • Salad: plastic bag.
  • Soup: Metal can, Paper wrapper.
  • Chicken: Styrofoam plate, Plastic wrap.
  • Green Beans: Plastic bag.
  • Rice: Plastic bag.
So I have come to the conclusion that I use a lot of plastic. Like every item comes in some sort of plastic based something. So I got to thinking about plastic, and how it is produced. At this point I also got to thinking if what if we run out of the oil that is the base of plastic? People would be in some serious trouble. I know that we have cardboard and Styrofoam but neither are as convenient or good as plastic. For me alone I used 8 items that had something with plastic. I imagine that people on average use more than that. It is funny to think about the amount of goods a person uses in one day. It is even funnier when you think what would you do with out plastic. All the items I use in my dad to day life 90% are made out of plastic.
Cardboard is also a major material that is used in the production of goods. When you buy a computer, phone, or another device it comes in a box. This is made from trees which I know, but rarely think about. When I think of items that are made from trees the only thing that really comes to mind is paper. Even though I am well aware that is not the truth. I know that we use tons of trees in every day life not to forget that we use trees for oxygen. 
Over all we are a consumer society that in many ways helps and harms us. It helps us because it leads to jobs but harms our environment with all of the waist. There are always things that I feel I need because society says I do.And I most of the time listen. I also know that there are ways to cut down on the products we use like reusable bags. We a country need to become more aware I know after this assignment I am. 

Words 348

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"So I quickly invented my Super-Axe-Hacker which whacked off four Truffula Trees at one smacker." Dr. Seuss

Electricity is a valuable commodity. When I started out with this journal I did not know the amount of electricity I really used. Everyday any given person uses tons of electricity, including me. This has been the past 24 hours in my life.
  • Phone charging when i wake up, the alarm goes off, I unplug it. 
  • Fan on medium 
  • Ac on 78
  • Take a hot shower, using the electricity to make it hot. 
  • Using computer to check email, school,and other things about ten minutes or so. 
  • Turn on stove to make breakfast. 
  • Use the dishwasher to clean all the dishes.
  • Leave in car.
  • Come back home turn on lights after dark
  • Turn on fan again
  • Get on computer check everything again and to do homework for online classes. 
  • play DS, charge DS
  • finally turn on T.V. for a movie until i decided it is time to go to bed
  • Lights and T.V off, go to sleep.
Over the course of a day interact with so many electronic devices. And these are just the home devices not to mention the ones at work. Technology has come so far over the years. Starting with the lightbulb and going from there. I myself use a lot of it and so do my roommates. Bt it is hard not to when all you have ever know is light and power and the ability to flip a switch and have information at your finger tips. This is the age of technology and it is too bad that all this technology needs electricity to run. I think that after all the ground we have made in what phones or computers can do, we could find a way to use less and less power. Like more solar powered items. Another is wind power, using the resources to sustain the coal and oils that we use in excess everyday. 
I have learned money saving tips since i moved out of my house and now i have to pay the bill. I never turn on lights i do not need. When i leave i make sure everything is off and the air is turned up. I work hard to save money and by doing so i feel a little better about my contribution to the Earth and its ability to endure.

Words: 382

"Then... Oh! Baby! Oh! How my business did grow! Now, chopping one tree at a time was too slow." Dr. Seus

Fort Myers beach is the home to not only many people but vast amounts of wildlife as well. The island is seven miles long and one mile wide at the widest most point. This island was first inhabited by the Colusa indians, then the Spanish came. A war in-sued, and lets just say the indians lost. Over the course of Florida's history not only with Ft. Myers Beach the Spanish settlers had a major influence on the state. Everything form names to architecture was changed by these people. Over time the settlers changed and so did the island. In 1921 the first bridge was built from Ft. Myers Beach to the mainland of Florida forever connecting the people on both sides. The ability to go from the beach area to the mainland made for more tourism and merchant opportunities. The fishing industry was always big on the island but grew even more with that of the shrimp boats and easy accessibility. Thus giving us the modern day beach front, with a postmodern feel.

While on this trip i not only learned about the history but the natural world as well. I have only been on a few island in my time so far and this experience was once in a lifetime. I was amazed by the change in vegetation and wildlife on the island. I leaned about mangrove trees the red,white, and black ones. I also learned about sea grapes, that you can eat them and they are quite tasty. I learned about what an estuary was, when the saltwater mixes with fresh water. And that this is a fertile ground for fish and shrimp to have their young. 

The trip to Ft. Myers beach was a simple trip with a short walk but in that time i became very aware that location means everything. Not to mention it was really cool to stop and see the shrimp boat up close and to walk for a little bit on that beach that so many years ago people were landing on for the first time. History is fascinating, it gives a real picture of where we came from and where we are headed. 

Words: 364

Monday, October 17, 2011

"the wind smells slow-snd-sour when it blows and no birds ever sing except old crows..." Dr. Seuss

When I think about all that I consume, it is more than I need. On average, the consumption for the every day person has been on the rise. I think that people try to be green and decrease their carbon footprint. However, this does not always work. I asked my roommates what they thought about this and they did not have an opinion. I think that awareness of the issue would help a lot. By raising awareness in what people use and throw away can make the worlds carbon footprint decrease in size.
My carbon footprint is larger than I would like to admit. Because if you had a world full of people just like me, you would need five earths to support my life style. I have learned that there are things I can work on like buying produce that is locally grown, carpool, and recycle. I think that this made me realize that I need to work on my contribution to this planet so that many generations after me will have a clean supported and available environment to live on. 
Another fact, is that people and change do not always mix. People are set in their ways and if they want to yes they can change, but many do not. This is because they feel comfortable. They have a mind set that if it is not broken do not try and fix it. In this case however, I think it is degenerating the Earth a whole lot faster than anticipated and must be stop at the very least, and reversed as best we can. 
Overall, I have learned that the environment around us is fragile and we as humans are destroying it, slowly, but destroying it nonetheless. The bad part is there are simple fixes like working on the three R’s reduce reuse and recycle. Just these three actions can really make a difference in the lives of today and in the future. If we all do a little it will go a long way. 

Words 334

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"one morning, I came to this glorious place. And I first saw the trees! The Truffle Trees.... Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze." By Dr. Seuss

     A long, long time ago, the land of Florida became inhabited. When this happened people began finding and using the materials around them. This posed problems! The men began gathering the birds for there feathers and the trees were cut down for lumber. This is where Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary came in. In 1954 the area was bought to conserve some of the last of the old Cyprus trees.   And this area is still here today.  
     As one of the colloquium trips this is where I found myself. At fist I was not very excited about this trip I did not know what to expect.  At first we walked thought the wet prairie area then to the sawgrass area both were cool but I just felt like I was in my normal Florida. Until out of nowhere I saw the trees. It was like an ongoing wall of trees that marked the entrance to the swamp. All I could think about is the  part in A Land Remembered that the family goes into the swamp and the water to reds will all the cows blood.   
     Throughout the trip we learned a lot about how this area came to be about the different plants like the Resurrection Fern, the leather fern, and alligator flags. The Alligator Flags and the Resurrection Fern are two of my favorites. The Alligator Flags were used as an indicator if there were alligators near by. And the Resurrection Fern will curl up if you touch it and then unfurl later on. I    also learned about the state butterfly the Zebra Longwing. 
     Over all, the trip was awesome I saw many different insects and animals moreover I learned a lot. While I was there I felt like I was transported somewhere other than Florida when we went into the Cyprus Forest.  I think this will be my favorite trip that we will take. It was interesting and like a whole other world.     

Words 324

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"...the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.

     ECHO, Education Concerns For Hunger Organization, was one of the most educational experiences I have had. The origination works to help not only foreign countries hunger issues but also those of the local Fort Myers area. While I was there they showed us the different climates in which they specialize which all were in the tropics or subtropics. I found the Lowlands environment to be one of the most interesting over all. ECHO implemented simple techniques like Raised beds to make sure that all the nutritious soil would not wash away as well as making sure that the plants would be able to thrive and grow. Vermiculture was also an easy yet effective tread to the area. It is a simple as putting worms in a bed of moist sediment, covering it so the sun does not dry out the bed and putting organic matter in the bed for the worms to eat and turn to nutritious soil. Another one of the areas I found interesting was the Urban Garden. They used simple things like carpet to make things grow. First they took a common item that could be found in this kind of environment, like an old bowl or pot and cut a piece of carpet and placed it in with a little soil and they had plants growing from it. 
ECHO uses simple things to achieve great things I feel that I learned a lot. Like how they used everyday items to purify water to take drinking water from this nasty brow water to something people can drink without fear. Or water pumps made from old wheels to get water from below the surface for drinking or irrigation. ECHO worked on irrigation that was a simple bucket and hose that could water large amounts of land without wasting water or time. They proved that simple things can make a difference in someones lives and it makes it possible to have food and a livelihood thanks in a big part to ECHO.  

Words 333

Sunday, September 4, 2011

"At the far end of town where the grickle grass grows..." The Lorax By Dr. Seuss

My home in which I have left back in my childhood still holds fond memories for me those of adventure and excitement. When I was a young child I remember the carefree days or running and playing in the yard with the sprinkler going having the cold water hit my skin to cool off. The hot summer days in which I would find new and eventful ways to keep my attention. I would climb this huge tree in order to be queen of the world, and jump over the sprinkler to leap over the wide rivers of far off places. I would lay in the grass just to feel the soft green world that was around me and when our garden would bloom i would sit and smell the fresh crisp rose sent for what felt like hours but was probably just minutes.  
In the fall when the leaves began to touch the ground I would race around the yard grabbing the them as they fell. I would catch them in my tiny hands, or build big piles and jump into them. I loved the crunch the leaves made as I would descend. When the days became cooler I would bundle up in all my clothes just to sit in the yard and watch the clouds pass by. I would see the shapes I could make out of them, and make up stories for the faces and animals I would see. As it got dark I would go inside and watch the moon say hello to the stairs. 
Then came winter and oh how I wished every year that snow would fall. I would smell the fresh sent of the cut Christmas tree. It was almost like I could taste it. In my house we had a chimney in which we would light every year and I would sit there for ever just looking at this tree that would soon be filled with presents.
The cold would leave and the grass would grow, and the flowers bloom for me to know that spring had finally come. I would smell the flowers bloom and watch the bees buzz. I always loved this time of year I waited for the perfect moment to jump in the pool and bathe in the sun. And it always came.

Words 384

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Mister!", he said with a sawdusty sneeze, "I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees. By Dr. Seuss

   We are all connected to the environment in some way shape or form. From the time the sun shines into a window until the moon comes out at night, we are experience nature. As a child I was effected by Florida nature. I was born and raised in the same town my whole life. I would play and watch the unpredictable weather that this state has to offer. The nature of Florida is connected to me and I to it. Without nature there would be no life beyond the doors of our homes. Nature provides us with food and water sunshine and darkness, everything is so interdependent. The most notable connection is that of provider and consumer, a type of mother to us all. We live and breathe because nature allows it. And we care and protect our environment. We depend on her as she depends on us. When we make bad choices not only do we suffer but the home we live on suffers, I guess this could be called a symbiotic relationship we use each other and benefit from this interaction. I think of all ways to describe the connection I have to this state it would be that.

   Even though I do not spend more time in nature only about 7 hours a week really in outdoors,  when Molly and I will go for walks and enjoy the hour in relaxation. This is a time I do not have to worry about everything going on in my life or the lives of others. Nature has proven to be a real blessing for my crazy world.  I have a real appreciation to and for the world we live in. Without Florida I would not have the home that I have now Florida has become my home, and will remain that way forever.

Words 304