Monday, October 17, 2011

"the wind smells slow-snd-sour when it blows and no birds ever sing except old crows..." Dr. Seuss

When I think about all that I consume, it is more than I need. On average, the consumption for the every day person has been on the rise. I think that people try to be green and decrease their carbon footprint. However, this does not always work. I asked my roommates what they thought about this and they did not have an opinion. I think that awareness of the issue would help a lot. By raising awareness in what people use and throw away can make the worlds carbon footprint decrease in size.
My carbon footprint is larger than I would like to admit. Because if you had a world full of people just like me, you would need five earths to support my life style. I have learned that there are things I can work on like buying produce that is locally grown, carpool, and recycle. I think that this made me realize that I need to work on my contribution to this planet so that many generations after me will have a clean supported and available environment to live on. 
Another fact, is that people and change do not always mix. People are set in their ways and if they want to yes they can change, but many do not. This is because they feel comfortable. They have a mind set that if it is not broken do not try and fix it. In this case however, I think it is degenerating the Earth a whole lot faster than anticipated and must be stop at the very least, and reversed as best we can. 
Overall, I have learned that the environment around us is fragile and we as humans are destroying it, slowly, but destroying it nonetheless. The bad part is there are simple fixes like working on the three R’s reduce reuse and recycle. Just these three actions can really make a difference in the lives of today and in the future. If we all do a little it will go a long way. 

Words 334

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