My home in which I have left back in my childhood still holds fond memories for me those of adventure and excitement. When I was a young child I remember the carefree days or running and playing in the yard with the sprinkler going having the cold water hit my skin to cool off. The hot summer days in which I would find new and eventful ways to keep my attention. I would climb this huge tree in order to be queen of the world, and jump over the sprinkler to leap over the wide rivers of far off places. I would lay in the grass just to feel the soft green world that was around me and when our garden would bloom i would sit and smell the fresh crisp rose sent for what felt like hours but was probably just minutes.
In the fall when the leaves began to touch the ground I would race around the yard grabbing the them as they fell. I would catch them in my tiny hands, or build big piles and jump into them. I loved the crunch the leaves made as I would descend. When the days became cooler I would bundle up in all my clothes just to sit in the yard and watch the clouds pass by. I would see the shapes I could make out of them, and make up stories for the faces and animals I would see. As it got dark I would go inside and watch the moon say hello to the stairs.
Then came winter and oh how I wished every year that snow would fall. I would smell the fresh sent of the cut Christmas tree. It was almost like I could taste it. In my house we had a chimney in which we would light every year and I would sit there for ever just looking at this tree that would soon be filled with presents.
The cold would leave and the grass would grow, and the flowers bloom for me to know that spring had finally come. I would smell the flowers bloom and watch the bees buzz. I always loved this time of year I waited for the perfect moment to jump in the pool and bathe in the sun. And it always came.
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